ISSN: 2756-3146


The Carnelian Journal of Law and Politics publishes in December and in April. We welcome submission with interesting perspectives on our focus areas. Please ensure that you are familiar with the kind of content that we publish before submitting. We publish book reviews, articles, essays and comments.

- Length of Manuscripts -

Articles should not be more than 10,000 words including footnotes and essays should not be more than 6,000 words, footnotes inclusive. We prefer book reviews to be below 3,000 words.

- Format -

Manuscripts should be written in Century Schoolbook, 12 –point font and with 1.5 spacing. The manuscript page layout should have right and left margins of 1.5 inches. The journal uses a footnote reference style and authors should ensure that their references and writing conforms to the Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities, fourth edition. Authors should note that the journal does not allow the use of end notes.

- Contact -

Email your submissions to: